The Challenge

  • The traditional manufacturing/channel partner relationship is siloed and hasn’t changed much in years.
  • During this time, buyers’ expectations have changed dramatically as they research, evaluate and compare options online. 
  • Advances in data analytics, AI and machine learning have not been realized by manufacturers.
  • 90% of organizations cite data silos as challenging to growth (IDC).
  • Traditional approaches to buyer engagement are increasingly less effective

Our Goal

  • To help manufacturers and their channel partners create a collaborative ecosystem that drives measurable revenue growth—at the same time leading to a better buying experience for their customers.
  • Use data to provide insight and guidance to stakeholders
  • In short, we leverage our extensive experience in working with manufacturers to show you what’s really possible!
B2B buyer dissatisfaction with the buying process (Gartner)
Lost time per month per employee because of collaboration and communications silos
Manufacturer confidence in dealers closing leads (Forrester)
OEM and Distributor Analysis

Forrester’s research indicates that 35% of manufacturers are not confident in their dealers’ ability to close the leads they send. Dealers complain about the training and support they get from the manufacturers. OEMs complain about distributors not using the tools they provide. So, what gives?

The chances are good that your sales enablement, operations, and marketing systems have customer engagement data you are not seeing, let alone, using. Unlocking these data insights will build distributor mindshare and ignite your sales.

Has your dealer sales support system kept up with the new digital buyer behaviors and the related technologies? How much insight do you have into how your distributors’ sales pipelines are doing in today’s uncertain economy? And what are your options for helping them?

Our Sales Channel Roadmap will give you an in-depth report and recommendation on opportunities and barriers to success in your channel partners.

Data Analysis, Insights, and Recommendations

54% of organizations report their customer experience operations are managed in silos. Only 33% of customer experience professionals say they can actively communicate and collaborate across teams to drive improved CX. (Dimension Data CX Benchmarking Report)

Would you like to know the effect of customer training on warranty expense?

Or, the relationship between training and sales improvement – for real?

Or how to leverage IoT data to measure customer satisfaction?

These are just a few of the questions that could save companies millions of dollars but have a hard time answering given today’s popular methods.

Our approach organizes data into relationships that provide analysis and insight that is more comprehensive and accurate. From these insights we build models that can automate the generation of recommendations to your stakeholders. This approach to applied AI creates real value for your organization, channel partners, and end customers.


According to recent research from Gartner, only 15% of the buyer’s journey involves talking to salespeople. Since they are typically talking to three vendors on average, your dealer salespeople are getting maybe 5% of the buyer’s time. How do you plan to maximize or increase this opportunity?

We uncover their decision-making process and identify key trigger events based on direct interviews with your end customers. Where do they go for their information? What resources do they trust? What gives them the confidence to make the buying decision? How do they differentiate your product from the competition? Our Buyer Assessment Report provides the answers and a detailed action plan.

Let's talk
about you

Do you have questions? Interested in talking about we can help you increase your performance?